Policy & Resources Committee


4.00pm 1 July 2021


Hove Town Hall - Council Chamber



decision list



Part One





Targeted Budget Management (TBM) Provisional Outturn 2020/21



Contact Officer:

Nigel Manvell

Tel: 01273 293104


Ward Affected:

All Wards





(1)             That the Committee note that the provisional General Fund outturn position is an underspend of £9.733m and that this represents an improvement of £4.921m compared to the projected and planned resource position at Month 19 taken into account when setting the 2021/22 budget.

(2)             That the Committee note the provisional outturn includes an underspend of £0.989m on the council’s share of the NHS managed Section 75 services.

(3)             That the Committee approve General Fund carry forward requests totalling £5.321m as detailed in Appendix 5 and included in the provisional outturn.

(4)             That the Committee approve the proposed allocation of additional available outturn resources of £4.921m as set out in the table at paragraph 10.4 as adjusted for recommendation 2.9.1 and 2.9.2.

(5)             That the Committee note the provisional outturn for the separate Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which is an underspend of £0.436m.

(6)             That the Committee note the provisional outturn position for the ring-fenced Dedicated Schools Grant, which is an underspend of £0.746m.

(7)             That the Committee note the provisional outturn position on the capital programme which is an underspend variance of £7.132m.

(8)             That the Committee approve the capital budget variations and re-profiling requested in Appendix 7.

(9)             That the figures in 10.4 are amended as follows: The repayment of financial smoothing to be reduced to £2.450m, and that £0.020m be added to the corporate delivery plan risk provision, making available a total of up to £0.259m. The total fund to include consideration of the following projects:

·           Park and Ride Project feasibility study - enhance the existing allocated budget to ensure that multiple locations can be explored with a view of linking this to planned transport hubs

·           EV Car co-op Pilot setup costs - to set up pilot schemes in three initial locations

·           Procurement / Community Wealth Building - to add to existing budgets to ensure the procurement team have capacity to deliver community wealth building by using the Council’s purchasing power at pace.

·           One off investment to catch up with pavement weeds - funding for more city clean staff to clear up street and kerbside weeds and support and enable community initiatives to de weed and plant kerbside flowers in appropriate available ground.

·           Tidy up teams funding increase - to allocate additional resources to deal with litter and graffiti issues

·           Support for 20 mile an hour city - allocate funding for feasible local projects and interventions ahead of a city-wide scheme

·           20-minute neighbourhood initiatives - support a feasibility study and report to identify an area for a full-scale pilot scheme with measurable outcomes

·           Investment in Parks - additional wilding & other projects - to include local wilding landscape schemes designed by park “friends”, adding fencing and other infrastructure as necessary

(10)          That an additional provision of up to £0.030m be set aside from the available outturn resources for four specific projects:

·                Women's safety - carry out a city-wide survey of how safe women feel in the city, and a study on how safe they are in the city, working with police and other agencies as necessary

·                Care co-ops feasibility study - develop a model of co-operative care services for homecare in the city for older adults and those with disabilities, in co-production with client groups

·                EUSS additional support for NRPF residents - identify problems our less settled / homeless communities will experience after 30 June as their status changes, working with existing voluntary and community organisations to provide support

·                Marriage notices fee waiver - to extend the fee waiver for couples getting married until 31 March 2022

(11)          That a sum of up to £0.055m be set aside from the 2021/22 Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) grant for the following:

·           VCS Recovery fund - adding £0.020m funds for the voluntary and community sector as they come out of the pandemic – to be agreed by the members’ advisory group (MAG)

·           One to one / small group catch up support/tuition: 1000 hours - £0.035m for one to one and small groups to help address attainment gaps

(12)          That the Committee approve the creation of the Overdown rise Footpath Maintenance Reserve as set out in 9.10.

(13)          That any unspent Corporate plan delivery risk provision or additional projects provision in 2.9.2 above be returned and be applied to reduce 2021/22 financial smoothing (i.e. to repay reserves).

(14)          That the Committee delegate the allocation of the Corporate Plan Delivery Risk provision and the additional projects provision as set out in paragraph 2.9.2 to the Chief Finance Officer following consultation with the Member Budget Review Group as set out in paragraph 10.3iv).







Targeted Budget Management (TBM) 2021/22: Month 2 (May)



Contact Officer:

Nigel Manvell

Tel: 01273 293104


Ward Affected:

All Wards






(1)             That the forecast risk position for the General Fund, which indicates a potential forecast overspend risk of £6.205m and that this is net of an underspend of £0.308m on the council’s share of the NHS managed Section 75 services be noted;


(2)             That the forecast for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which is currently an overspend of £0.034m be noted;


(3)             That the forecast risk position for the Dedicated Schools Grant which is an overspend of £0.138m be noted; and


(4)             That the forecast outturn position on the capital programme which is a forecast underspend of £2.342m be noted and the variations and slippage in Appendix 5 and new schemes as set out in Appendix 6 to the report be approved.







Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2020-21 - End of Year Review



Contact Officer:

James Hengeveld

Tel: 01273 291242


Ward Affected:

All Wards






(1)             That the key actions taken during the second half of 2020/21 to meet the TMSS and practices (including the investment strategy) as set out in the report be noted;


(2)             That the reported compliance with the AIS for the six month period up to the end of March 2021 be noted; and


(3)             That the approved maximum indicator for investment risk of 0.05% has been adhered to and the authorised borrowing limit and operational boundary have not been exceeded be noted.







Budget planning and Resource Update 2022/23



Contact Officer:

James Hengeveld

Tel: 01273 291242


Ward Affected:

All Wards






(1)             That the funding and net expenditure projections for 2022/23, based on the three planning scenarios be noted;


(2)             That the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) projections for 2022/23 to 2024/25 and the predicted budget gaps based on a ‘midpoint’ planning scenario be noted;


(3)             That the proposed approach to planning for and managing specified demand-led budgets be noted; and


(4)             That it be agreed that officers should draw up 3-year budget strategies, including associated cost management measures for demand-led services, together with budget proposals to manage any remaining budget gap across all other services, and report back with draft budget proposals to the December Policy & Resources Committee.







i360 Loan Agreement



Contact Officer:

Max Woodford

Tel: 012773 291666


Ward Affected:

All Wards






(1)             That it be agreed to defer the loan payment due in June 2021, but request that any funds over and above the cashflow necessary to keep the attraction operational are paid to the Council in part payment of the sums owed;


(2)             That the ongoing meetings and information provision between the i360 management and board and the i360 Member Working Group be noted;


(3)             That it be noted that the terms of the loan restructure, agreed in December 2019, should now be implemented ahead of the December loan repayment, and that confirmation of the final detailed terms of the restructure will come to this committee for confirmation before that payment becomes payable; and


(4)             That it be noted that officers have progressed the novation of the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) loan agreed at Policy & Resources Committee in December 2019 and that execution of the agreement is imminent.







Corporate Cleaning Contract - July 2021



Ward Affected:

All Wards






(1)             That the market engagement and stakeholder feedback in relation to this procurement as agreed at PAB 14th June 2021 set out in paragraph 3 be noted;


(2)             That an amendment to the previously proposed lot structure of three geographical lots to a lot structure of three service type building based lots with lots to be split to contain a core element of sites/services within each lot be approved; and


(3)             That the amendment of the previously proposed restricted tender process to an open tender process be approved.







Fair & Inclusive update including ethnicity pay gap



Ward Affected:

All Wards






(1)             That the reports and the median ethnicity pay gap – as currently calculated - of 3.1% be noted;


(2)             That officers be instructed to produce annual ethnicity pay gap reporting in line with the gender pay gap reporting schedule;


(3)             That it be requested that in these future reports, the ethnicity pay gap is broken down into the categories Black Asian Minority Ethnic British, Black Asian Minority Ethnic Other, White British, White Irish, White Other, rather than the current White British/All Other;


(4)             That it be requested that disability pay gap reporting is also produced annually going forward;


(5)             That the Council continues to support and champion the actions within the Fair & Inclusive Action Plan.







Report on Members Allowances - July 2021



Contact Officer:

Elizabeth Culbert

Tel: 01273 291515


Ward Affected:

All Wards






(1)     That recommendation 3.1 as set out in the IRP report relating to job sharing roles be agreed;


(2)     That Recommendation 3.3 as set out in the attached IRP report relating to an allowance for co-optees who attend committee in a personal capacity be agreed; and


(3)     That the Executive Lead Officer for Strategy, Governance & Law be granted delegated authority to update Council Procedure Rules to reflect the agreement in relation to the job sharing of roles as referred to in paragraph 3.2 of this report and to publish the revised Members Allowances Scheme.







Old Steine and Palace Place appropriation from General Fund to Housing Revenue Account



Contact Officer:

Glyn Huelin

Tel: 01273 293306


Ward Affected:

All Wards






(1)          That it be agreed to proceed with Option A (the appropriation and development of a 100% affordable, 11-home housing scheme to meet demand for temporary accommodation);


(2)          That a budget of up to £2.660m to be included in the HRA capital programme for 2021/22 financed by HRA borrowing, right to buy Receipts, general capital receipts and HRA reserves be agreed; and


(3)          That the Executive Director of Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities be granted delegated authority to appropriate 62-63 Old Steine & 3-4 Palace Place from the General Fund to the Housing Revenue Account and agrees that the General Fund is compensated by £0.890m.







Supported housing for people with physical disabilities on Knoll House site



Contact Officer:

Anne Richardson-Locke

Tel: 01273 290379


Ward Affected:







(1)             That the preferred option to demolish and build a 3-storey Supported Housing service on the site of the Knoll House care home be approved;

(2)         That a capital programme budget up to a maximum of £10.500m for the delivery of a Supported Housing service to be financed through capital borrowing and a Homes England bid. (or the difference between £10.500m and the sum released by Homes England) be approved;

(3)         That the Executive Director of Health & Adult Social Care be granted delegated authority in consultation with the Executive Director for Finance & Resources to enter into the necessary contracts (including with a development partner as necessary) to secure:

(i)      The demolition of the existing building;

(ii)     The Design and Build operations required to complete the development of the Supported Housing service at Knoll House as described in this report; and

(iii)    The housing management, repairs and maintenance function.


(4)         That extensive consultation is carried out with Ward Councillors and residents of the Ingram Estate to address any impact on nearby residents, surrounding trees and the communal garden of Sanders House.







Covid 19 Bus Network Recovery Plan



Contact Officer:

Owen McElroy

Tel: 01273 290368


Ward Affected:

All Wards






(1)             That a short-term (up to two years) extension to the existing supported bus service contracts for services 37/37B, 21, Breeze to the Downs and school services be agreed;


(2)             That it be agreed to re-procure temporary short-term (up to two years) contracts for routes 16, 47, 52 and 57;


(3)             That it be agreed to extend contracts for routes 16, 47, 52 & 57 for no longer than the end of April 2022 should retendering not be possible before September 2021 or should the tender process for these services be unsuccessful;


(4)             That it be agreed to continue to provide additional financial support to operators where necessary in light of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic for the duration of the contracts; and


(5)             That the postponement of the procurement process for long-term contracts for all supported bus service routes from 2021 to 2023 or sooner if there is a service need and/or market conditions allow be agreed.







Appointment to The Aquifer Partnership



RESOLVED: That Councillor Osborne be appointed as the Council’s representative to The Aquifer Partnership (TAP) for the remaining municipal year and through to the end of the term of the Council in May 2023.







Decisions Taken Under Delegated Powers



Contact Officer:

Mark Wall

Tel: 01273 291006


Ward Affected:

All Wards




RESOLVED: That the report be noted.







Items Referred For Council



RESOLVED: That item 7, Targeted Budget Management (TBM) Provisional Outturn 2020/21 be referred to the full Council meeting on the 15th July for information.







Supported Housing for People with Physical Disabilities on Knoll House site - Exempt Category 3



Contact Officer:

Anne Richardson-Locke

Tel: 01273 290379


Ward Affected:





RESOLVED: That the information be noted.







Covid 19 Bus Network Recovery Plan - Exempt Category 3



Contact Officer:

Owen McElroy, Colin Harwood

Tel: 01273 290368, Tel: 01273 293856


Ward Affected:

All Wards




RESOLVED: That the information be noted.







Part Two Proceedings



RESOLVED: That the items contained in Part 2 of the agenda remain exempt from disclosure to the press and public.


